Belling IC Recommended as 2017 Shanghai Famous Brand
Time:2018-03-02 View:15873

To create astrategic advantage for Shanghais development and to fully boost four brands:Shanghai Services, Shanghai Manufacturing, Shanghai Shopping and ShanghaiCulture, Shanghai continued to advance the famous brand strategy and Shanghaifamous brand nomination efforts in 2017. 786 projects from 739 enterprises appliedfor the 2017 Shanghai famous brand titles. After prequalification, industrypreliminary review, professional review, social assessment, comprehensivereview and online announcement and finally gaining approval at a plenarymeeting of Shanghai Famous Brand Nomination Committee, a total of 608 projectsfrom 572 enterprises were nominated as Shanghai Famous Brand in 2017, including399 product projects, 195 service projects and 14 Star of Tomorrow projects.Belling IC was nominated as 2017 Shanghai Famous Brand.

Belling IC has keptthis honor for 20 consecutive years since it first being nominated as ShanghaiFamous Brand by Shanghai Famous Brand Nomination Committee in 1998.